Turkish Logbook Day 5: işkembe çorbası

Turkish protip: Next time you’re hungover, get some işkembe çorbası. It’s a Turkish tripe (“işkembe”) soup (“çorbası”) that is widely considered as a miraculous hangover remedy. It is made with cow’s stomach, and eaten usually with a vinegar-garlic sauce added on the table or with the addition of an egg yolk-lemon juice. Yum.

We started the second week of the programme with a skills session that focused on the more technical part of the programme. Chris showed us a couple of documentaries and proceeded on to show us how Adobe Premiere Pro worked. We have learnt a couple of tips and tricks to make a good documentary and this certainly got our group pumped on starting the editing process of our documentary, and to be ready for the film clinic that is scheduled to happen on Wednesday.

During the language session, we learnt how to order food and drinks in Turkish and also the different types of dishes they have. One that particularly stood out was, as evident in the title, the işkembe çorbası. We also found out that the baklava is a dish that is shared by many countries among that region, and is not exclusive to only one (although there are some variations in the ingredients used and contests in authenticity).

Later on, a couple of us went to help set up for the exhibition, where our portrait and collage was displayed with pride!

With that, we will see you tomorrow with updates on our documentary!

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